Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Extreme Culinary in Southeast Asia part 3

  Remembering my hometown, Bojonegoro, i got an inspiration for my starters. Teak, the strongest wood i ever heard, such a precious commodity that we got here. With very high value in money, makes teak become one of indonesian's pride of having such natural resource. But this natural prosperity pulled the trigger of crime, illegal logging can't be avoided since people around were lives in poverty.

11. Teak Caterpillar
     Being a teak-producing town, people of Bojonegoro have a habit of consuming teak caterpillar also it's cocoon. Fried with such seasonings made them said to be yummy...
wait..wait..i never eat it guys... : p surely disgusting for me and you

Entung, that's how locals says it. My uncle ever eat this "entung" stuff in front of me, ouch my stomach was shaking as well. x_x

kindda miss it..
then i'll make the others related to my hometown ^^

Some of my adventurous experienced were given by my uncle
Including "adventurous" food.
it's chilling me since making flashbacks of my hometown

: P

yeah my rather "village" hometown has it's Original Sound Track

coming from cricket, frog, gecko, etc.
Just pay a visit to bojonegoro, then you'll find a peaceful place. People says it as "The Retirement shelter". You'll frequently meet oldies wandering around here. : p
Such a boredom for youth.

12. Cricket
  Meet my noisy buddy the cricket -_-
Such insect with identical appearance with cockroach make me hate even to touch it.
But as always, i can't figured how people consumes it.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold, the chef's masterpiece, "Deep Fried.....Cricket!!", with puke sound effect (~_~")


Light meal with crunchy and savory taste which gonna blow your guts up

13. Lizard
  Near my uncle's house, there's a place which sells uncommon animal to eat. And lizard is one of them. (x_x)
Some people cook lizard become satay, they said it has good tastes as well as goat's meat.

14. Asiatic Soft-Shelled Turtle
   My dad ever told about his experience with his brother, my uncle, when fishing in river in his childhood. Intended to got some fish, they caught up an asiatic soft-shelled turtle took their bait. People around my hometown, consume them as well. Also it's fat used to makes cosmetics.

To be continued........