Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Extreme Culinary in Southeast Asia part 10

Hola amigos...
Back again with me in this blog...
Final exam approaching...
Have you prepare for the final exam???
Got yourself well-armed with weapon of knowledge and going on the battlefields of destiny :D
Hope the best for you : )

Well back again to the topic...extreme culinary :D
and resumed at thailand... :D
the white elephant country

39. Larb Mote Daeng 
Don't you know about red ants???
it is impossible if you are an asian, i can even say this insect lives in everyone house...
Red ants or usually called fire ant because of it's ability to make everyone it is bites feels like burned for awhile and several effect for skin...
 Indonesian use it's egg as bird feed or indonesian called it "kroto"

 Meanwhile in thailand, for people fire ant eggs are precious ingredients in several thai foods.
Not only the eggs, even the ants were included at the dish XP yikezz
how can people eat such things like this....
they named it "larb mote daeng"...
they even bet for people who eat this, they said " just close their eyes and make them eat it, i bet they'll definitely admit it delicious and addicted as long as they eat it in closed eyes".
Unfortunately, it is disgusting just only for imagine eat ants' eggs.
But they said the ants tastes like lime juice since they eats mango leaves...
and the eggs is fatty, tastes like pure butter with rich flavor.
if you don't mind eating such weird foods just go on and eat it...
have a nice appetite guys...


40. Yam Kai Yeow Maa
Salad, one of people favorite appetizer..
vegetable or fruit salad..everyone loves this food : )
in party, dinner, or everywhere you order appetizer maybe salad is the most recommended :D
It's rich of nutrition since it made of vegetables and foods.
Low of fats either rich of antioxidant make them the best recommendation for those who takes diet.

but ladies and gentlemen let's put some "spice" on it. I mean a little change... :D
The one changes it is thailand people, they got their own salad named "Yam Kai Yeow Maa".

Then what so special from it?? isn't that just ordinary a people's style of creation???
Nope, Yam Kai Yeow Maa is salad which made of vegetables and "special duck egg".

Special duck egg???
what does i mean??
the egg here is duck egg which already fermented. The egg colored black and has chewy texture. People said the egg tasted like chalk, how gross...
They said they're bored with the taste of ordinary boiled egg, so they looks for the different sensation.
hahahaha XP

41. Kai Khao
People in thailand has the same food as philippines' balut.
Balut or half matured egg is boiled. Inside the egg we could find the embryo of duck ( the ordinary one was duck ).
then just imagine how gross the sensation. Eating egg with whole cooked duckling body. XP euuuhh
They said the sensation was a crispy sensation when you munch it, maybe you could puke. LOL.
And the other sensation is removing feathers from your teeth. >p<
As they said : "it's tastes like ordinary boiled egg, but with extra sensation which gives you rich flavor and sensation."
darn's all about sensation... -.-"

 42. Gaeng Sataw
Maybe for indonesian it is a joke i writes about "gaeng sataw". Why???
Because it is same as "Petai" in indonesia. LOL
yeah maybe for others it is a gross.
Since this dish, which made of the relatives of peas, smells like your fart. Maybe even your fart better then this one.LOL. wahahahaha.
They said the smells strong only you from afar, but when you near it, the smell just nothing but weak bad smell. hahahaha.
They said it's rich of nutrition. maybe it's right since it's one of beans.


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